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¥1,650 (税込)


手ぬぐい「獅子頭」 四季

お正月の風物詩・獅子舞を華やかに染め上げた縁起手拭いです。 獅子舞はお正月が縁起の良い時節に獅子頭を被って舞う民俗芸能。インドから中国へ伝わり、日本では江戸時代に伊勢(現在の三重県)で疫病を祓うために行われたのが始まりと言われています。






サイズ:90cm × 35cm
綿100% 日本製

Tenugui: Shishimai Dance

This Tenugui is beautifully dyed with the auspicious motif of the Shishimai, a traditional lion dance performed during the New Year to bring good fortune. Shishimai, which originated in India and was introduced to China before arriving in Japan, became a popular practice during the Edo period in Ise (present-day Mie Prefecture) to ward off epidemics.


It is said that when the lion bites a child’s head, it symbolizes “the presence of the gods” and is believed to bring blessings of good health and academic success. Additionally, the Shishimai is a charm for warding off evil spirits and praying for bountiful harvests and family safety. Traditionally, the lion’s head was displayed in alcoves or at entrances as a talisman to repel evil and misfortune, and it has long been used as a celebratory gift for occasions such as housewarmings or weddings.


This tenugui, infused with auspicious meaning, is perfect as a New Year’s decoration, a gift for the New Year season, or a celebratory present for birthdays, baby showers, or first seasonal festivals. Moreover, as a traditional Japanese craft, a Tenugui makes an excellent gift or souvenir for international friends and visitors.


Size:90cm × 35cm
100% Cotton Made in Japan