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¥1,650 (税込)


干支手ぬぐい「龍図」 四季


龍は十二支の中で唯一の架空の動物で、神話や物語に神聖な存在として登場します。長生きをすることから長寿や健康、魔除けのご利益があるとされている縁起物です。 手ぬぐいに描かれている天空を舞う龍は立身出世や運気向上を表し、成功やチャンスを象徴します。また、龍が手に持つ「宝珠」には、願いを叶える力があるとされています。


綿100% 日本製

Tenugui “Dragon Painting”

A zodiac Tenugui dyed to celebrate the Dragon year of 2024. The blurring in places is a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

“Dragon” is the only fictional animal of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac that appears as a sacred entity in myths and stories. He is a lucky charm that is believed to be beneficial for health, longevity and protection against beneficial in warding off evil spirits. The dragon soaring in the sky on the tenugui represents career advancement and increase luck, and symbolises lots of successes and opportunities.By the way, it is believed that the ‘Orb’ held by dragons in their hands have the power to make wishes come true!

The traditional Japanese handicraft ” Tenugui” is also appreciated as a New Year’s gift, a birthday gift for a child born at the age of a rabbit, a first birthday gift, or as a gift or souvenir for people from overseas.

100% Cotton Made in Japan