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¥4,950 (税込)


藍染め手ぬぐい4「細竹」 作家:原田史朗

藍染めの産地・徳島の藍染め作家 原田史郎さんが工房で自ら藍をたて手染めした「藍染め手ぬぐい」のシリーズです。天然染料ならではの深い藍色と、美しいデザインが魅力の作品です。冬の寒さに負けず青々とまっすぐに伸びる竹。迷わずに一直線に進むようにといった願掛けにも使われ、梅、松と並ぶ縁起物として親しまれています。




藍染めが表す藍色は「JAPAN BLUE」と呼ばれ、 日本だけでなく海外でも多くのファンを魅了しています。自然が生み出す美しい藍色は奥ゆかしさや深みが感じられ、日本文化そのものを表しているようです。「生きている染料」と言われ、 5年10年と歳月を経るごとに生地にその色が定着し、色に深みが出ます。長くお使いいただくことで、年を刻みながら「藍染め手ぬぐいの魅力」をお楽しみください。


100cm ×35.5cm
綿100% 日本製(徳島県)

Aizome Tenugui “Bamboo”

This series of “Aizome Tenugui” is hand-dyed by Shiro Harada, an Aizome artisan from Tokushima, a region known for its traditional indigo dyeing. Each piece is dyed using natural indigo, giving it a deep, rich blue hue and showcasing beautiful designs that make these works truly unique.

Indigo, the dye used in Aizome, is said to be one of the oldest known dyes, with a history that can be traced back to 3000 BC. Due to its antibacterial properties, indigo was historically used not only as a dye but also for medicinal purposes, believed to have detoxifying and hemostatic effects. Its natural dye and soft, gentle texture make it ideal for people with sensitive skin, including babies.

The indigo blue produced by Aizome is often referred to as “Japan Blue,” and it has captivated fans not only in Japan but around the world. This beautiful blue, born from nature, evokes a sense of depth and subtle elegance, embodying the essence of Japanese culture. Known as a “living dye,” its color matures and deepens over time, settling into the fabric more deeply with each passing year. As you continue to use your “Aizome Tenugui,” you’ll appreciate how its charm grows and evolves, becoming even more beautiful with age.


100cm × 35.5cm
100% Cotton
Made in Japan(Tokushima)
Please note that the color may bleed slightly during the first wash.
Due to the indigo dyeing process, each Tenugui may have slight variations in the pattern.