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¥2,640 (税込)







シックな色合いと洗練されたデザインは、ビジネスシーンにもマッチし、通勤中の電車内や、オフィス・カフェなど温度調節が難しい場所でも、さっと取り出して涼を取ることができます。 日本の夏の必需品として、ご自身用にはもちろん、お中元や夏の帰省土産、手土産にも最適です。また、日本らしいデザインのため、外国の方への贈り物としても喜ばれます。実用性と粋な趣を兼ね備えた一品をぜひご利用ください。


扇面:綿 / 親骨:染骨 中骨:染骨

Folding fan : Ayu

This elegant folding fan features a refreshing design of “Ayu” (sweetfish), evoking the essence of summer in Japan.

Ayu, known for thriving in clear streams, symbolizes purity and prosperity and has long been considered a lucky fish in Japanese culture. It is also called “Nengyo” (year fish) because it completes its life cycle within a year, representing fulfillment and success in life.

With its sophisticated color scheme and refined design, this fan seamlessly fits into business settings and daily use. Whether on a crowded train during your commute or in places where temperature control is difficult, such as offices and cafés, you can effortlessly create a cool breeze with a flick of your wrist.
A must-have for the Japanese summer, this fan is perfect for personal use or as a thoughtful gift for seasonal occasions such as Ochugen (mid-year gift giving) or homecoming souvenirs. Its traditional Japanese aesthetic also makes it a wonderful present for international visitors. Combining practicality with timeless elegance, this fan is a stylish and meaningful choice.


Size: Approx. 22 cm
Fan Surface: Cotton
Ribs: Dyed Bamboo (Main & Inner Ribs)